Away With Ivan


Ivan Cardoso photography


Ivan Cardoso

I’m a Brazilian photographer based in

When I arrived in Australia I faced significant challenges. As an immigrant with limited English, it was difficult for me to get a job in the finance industry and my vision for a bright future was fading.

Rather than sit in the corner and admit defeat, I took the matter into my own hands and in 2018 I finally launched my business Brazeting. Things were going well until COVID-19 hit in March 2020. Again, my vision for a bright future was fading.

So I decided to take a break and focus on my passion so purchased my first camera and started to learn as much as I could about photography.

Nowadays landscape photography is my go-to stress reliever, a place I can go to when I need to relax, a place to recharge. My approach is very much about being outside and enjoying the environment. If photography comes along then that’s a bonus.